Thursday, March 01, 2007

Winter Blahs

Here it is, the beginning of March, and it snowed today!! Enough already! The Saturday before last we got a hint of spring - just enough to spoil us. Late morning Bob and I decided to walk over to our local coffee shop. The sun was shining and I even unzipped my light jacket. We met some neighbors, a woman and her elderly mother, heading out to their mailbox. We stood and chatted about the nearby commercial buildings (and resulting problems) going in and other neighborhood business. Several neighbors drove by and waved. Eventually one then two other neighbors came by on their walks. It took us over an hour to get our coffee but we enjoyed the time. Our spring-like weather was short lived. The snow came down fairly heavily for a while today then the sun came out, as if it had never snowed at all. Some time later we looked out the window and it was snowing again. It was a very wet snow and only stuck to the grass, not the pavement. Sigh. I long for T-shirts, short, and sandals (and sun).