For years at least one of us has stayed home on Halloween to answer the door for trick or treaters. This year Bob stated that he wanted to attend an Air Force band concert being given at a local high school. On Halloween? He pointed out that we don't get many trick or treaters. True. I relented but decided to put out a bowl of candy for the one large family of kids in our neighborhood. I grew a few great jack o' lantern size pumpkins this year so I convinced Bob to carve pumpkins with me the night before. The concert was great. Of course, it included some wonderful military marches but they played other types of music as well. The Singing Sargeants also performed and they were a lot of fun. My favorite section was the tribute to three singer/songwriters, three of my favorite: Elton John, Paul Simon, and Billy Joel. The two hours flew by and ended with a tribute to the different branches of the armed services. As each branch's song was played, members of the audience were asked to stand if they or a family member served or are serving in that military branch. We returned home to find the jack o' lanterns, still lit, and way too much candy left in the bowl. I'm doing my best to get rid of it (especially my favorite - Milky Ways).