I like to break up my work day by eating my lunch away from my desk (unlike my coworkers). This is also my opportunity to read for about a half an hour, something I really look forward to. Recently, I finished a book called BREAKFAST EPIPHANIES by David Anderson. The author is a pastor and each chapter is a short inspirational story. Several of his stories really struck me.
David Anderson attended the funeral of a man who was a mentor to him, a fellow pastor. One of the attendees shared a story about how she had arrived at church early one Sunday and found the pastor (a man in his sixties) on a swing in the church playground, swinging away and not the least bit embarrassed about it. After the funeral the author visited the nearest playground and followed his mentor's lead. He realized that there was a message there for him. In another chapter he discusses sabbaticals; he believes that everyone needs one. We should not work all the time.
These stories caught my attention because I have realized lately that my life is way too serious. I work about 35 hours a week. I volunteer at my own church. My yard is an acre so there are always things to do. There is laundry. Plants to water. A house to clean. Mail piles up. E-mails need to be read and answered. I go to bed and it starts all over again.
We all need to play. I've tried do more fun things lately. We went for a long bike ride on Memorial Day. Last weekend we went to a Greek food festival and to a local event called Art & Roses. We went to see the movie "Up". The stormy weather this weekend has put a damper on outdoor activities but I'll find something tomorrow. I've got to work at playing!