82 degrees in April?
In Idaho? Setting aside thoughts
of global warming, I am enjoying this beautiful, sunny day. My arthritic body is much happier in the warm
weather. This morning I walked outside
to enjoy our huge bushes of lilacs that are in full bloom. The lovely fragrance is the first thing that
hit me. I stood there for a few minutes,
admiring the various shades of purple.
The birds have been singing all day. Perhaps they are enjoying the weather
too. Our birdhouse has been checked out
by both chickadees and sparrows. We’re
not sure which ones will take possession of it.
This afternoon I spent some time in the front yard cutting
off dead branches and pulling weeds. I
only spent about an hour at this task but the warm sun felt wonderful on my
back and the front of my house looks so much better. The weather forecast is
for even warmer weather tomorrow. I plan
to take advantage of it.