Thursday, April 20, 2017

We Are Easter People

Holy Week was difficult in many ways.  It was rainy and I hurt.  My dear sweet giraffe friend, Julius Longfellow, suddenly was gone.  My little Sadie cat has taken a turn for the worse.  And then there are all the dark things happening in our country and the world, even fears of a nuclear attack by North Korea.  It was so easy to feel the despair of Good Friday.

On Easter morning I was ready for sudden joy and brightness during our service.  The sun was shining although the air was cool.  People were dressed up.  The children made me smile during the children’s time—and there were so many of them.  But that great joy that would blot out the darkness just wasn’t there.  The Easter flowers were beautiful, but. . .

I realized that everything wasn’t suddenly wonderful for the disciples either.  The women learned the good news first and they were the ones who told the disciples.  It took a while for them to comprehend what the resurrection meant for them.  However, they learned what they were meant to do and they changed the world.  But they did this at great cost to themselves.

What is Easter really about?  I think it is about hope.  It’s about God’s love for us.  God took something horrible and turned it into something joyous.  We are living in dark times and people are full of fear.  God is still here, continuing to love us.  There is hope.  We need to step forward, just like the disciples after the resurrection, and follow Jesus.  Hope and love abound.  We need to look for it in each other.  We are the Easter people and together we can change the world.

Written on 4/18/17

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Human Barometer

Dark clouds fill the sky
The rain will come soon now
My body knows this

I woke up in pain
A human barometer
Every joint hurts

I wish it would rain
I wait for the sun’s return
And more pleasant days

This was written in my journal and I decided to doodle (Zentangle) on that page.  A photo is below

Storm Clouds

A storm is brewing
Wind whips through trees
Reminding me of faraway troubles
Yesterday 59 bombs fell on Syria
Bombs from U.S. ships
In retaliation for horrible chemicals
Weapons used by Syria’s leaders
On their own people—men, women,
And helpless little children

My heart aches with all of this
Where will it all end?
Violence begets violence
And the innocent suffer
Can we not see the connection?
The connection between us all?
That connection that is love?
The love that is God?

This was written in a journal on April 7, 2017 along with a little artwork.  The photo is of the journal page.