Monday, October 02, 2017

Enough is Enough

This morning, barely awake, I sat down at the table with a cup of coffee and opened up Facebook on my phone.  One of the first posts I saw mentioned Las Vegas last night.  Oh no.  What happened?  Reluctantly I opened up the NPR app and learned about the mass shooting.  OMG.  Not again.

My first reaction was anger.  Why has this happened again?!?  Why won’t we do something to stop it?  My heart breaks for the families of the people who were killed (58 was the last count) and the over 500 injured.  But anger is my overwhelming feeling.  I do not apologize for it nor do I feel that it is inappropriate or somehow disrespectful to the victims to state why I am angry.  I want to hold on to this anger and turn it into positive action.

I am tired of simply praying every time this happens.  Perhaps God is tired of it too.  Do we really expect God to rescue us from the greed and foolishness of our society?  Our creator gave us brains; I think we are expected to use them.  I believe that God may share my anger.  Does God want me to use my anger to work for change?  God is not going to magically fix it all for us.  I think we are expected to do it.

Why does this keep happening?  Other western countries do not have large, numerous mass shootings.  Other countries have stricter gun control laws.  Why don’t we?  Many citizens scream “Second Amendment” when there is talk about gun control.  Of course, the Second Amendment actually refers to militias, not individuals plus guns in those days could only should one bullet at a time.

The primary opponent of gun control is the National Rifle Association or NRA.  The organization was founded to teach rifle marksmanship.  Until the 1970s, the NRA focused on sportsmen, hunters and target shooters.  Now they show little interest in supporting gun owners.  The NRA now exists to support big arms dealers.  It is all about profit and there is big money to be made.  They oppose any type of restrictions on gun ownership and in fact are now supporting a bill before Congress that would prohibit background checks for silencers.  Who are they protecting?  They use fear mongering to rile up gun owners who worry that the government will take away their guns.  People run out and buy more guns which means more money for their clients, the gun manufacturers.  For a long time I have wondered if the NRA is connected to organized crime.  Their positions cause me to think this but I have never seen any proof.  People use the word “evil” when discussing mass shootings.  I think this label really belongs to the NRA.

I want to state that I am not opposed to all guns.  I have family members who own guns for self-protection, target practice, and hunting.  While I have no personal interest in owning guns, I will stand up for the rights of responsible gun owners.  I do not believe that individuals need semi-automatic or automatic weapons which are intended for one thing only—to kill people.  Convicted criminals and mentally unstable people should not own guns.

What do I do with my anger?  I have written and called my representatives in Congress.  It does no good.  They are in the pockets of the NRA.  It is all about money.  Do we fight it by raising more money?  Perhaps.  Those of us who are angry and want this insanity to stop must work together.  Now.  No more excuses or worries about being political.  It is already political—now is the time for action.

I will not stop praying but my prayers will not be just for the victims.  I will pray for courage to stand up to this menace, a threat to a safe, peaceful society.  I pray my anger will motivate me to work for change in our response to gun violence.