Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's a Small World

Sometimes I just have to step back and marvel at our ability to communicate with each other, whether it's from one state to another or across the world. When I was in college I made occassional long distance phone calls home via the phone in my room and sometimes I wrote letters (a lost art). Tonight I was simultaneously communicating with both my daughters. I was instant messaging the daughter in the Netherlands, an 8 hour time difference (yes, she stays up late). At the same time I was talking to the other daughter in Raleigh, NC on a cell phone then we moved on to e-mail and instant message to discuss something. At the same time I was instant messaging my son-in-law while I was talking to my daughter on the phone (his wife) and trying to help him connect with his sister-in-law in Europe. Now they all take this for granted but I can hardly keep up with this. You don't have to look back many years to realize how amazing this is. Our world is getting smaller all the time.

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