Friday, July 02, 2010

Truly an Empty Nester Now

I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since I’ve recorded my thoughts. What a long dry spell! I guess I need to be inspired again.

Returning to the focus of this blog, I can now say I am truly an empty nester. My baby graduated from college in May. Unlike many of her classmates, she did not return home. Since she attended school across the country and there are no jobs for her here, she elected to find a summer sublet while job hunting. Of course, since she is unemployed she is not totally self sufficient; we have been helping her out. I don’t know who is more anxious, her or us, about finding that permanent job.

Although we have seen our daughters several times in the past year, the last time they were actually at home was last August. That makes for a quiet house. I confess that I miss having them here. There are certainly nice aspects to being back to just the two of us. Now we can do what we want without having to worry about the girls’ schedules. We’ve kind of forgotten what that is like. At times we see some event in the paper and say, hey, let’s do that. However, I do miss the kid activities sometimes—all those dance performances and competitions. I’m adjusting though. I am rediscovering the kid within.

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