Friday, January 27, 2012

So Far Away

At this point, I am accustomed to being an empty nester. What’s difficult is being so far away from my girls—I don’t think I’ll ever be okay with that. Tonight I had a nice long talk with my older daughter. She had complained earlier today, while we were chatting via instant message, that I never call her. That’s not quite true, but I have found that she either doesn’t answer her phone or is busy when I call so I wait for her to call me. However, tonight I called her. We talked about our weekend plans and we talked about God. We discussed her friends and their children. She told me about her job, her frustrations, her new supervisory responsibilities and how much she loves her company. She and her husband plan to visit her grandmother in Florida in September and she suggested maybe we can join them. Perhaps we can fly out to see them in North Carolina. We want to see each other but money and jobs (or my lack of one) get in the way. I am so pleased to see how her life is taking shape despite her personal challenges. I am so very proud of her and I’ve told her so. I would just like to be able to tell her in person and give her a hug. A big hug.

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