Friday, June 15, 2012

Medical Merry-Go-Round

Began with a cough
Antibiotics were used
Still there after months

But I felt better
So I kept on with my life
And the coughing got old

Back to see my doc
CT scan showed pneumonia
So drugs were prescribed

Chest tightness, light head
This did not end with the drugs
Back to see doctor

See doctor each week
Pills for my indigestion
Brand new inhaler

EKG performed
Then saw cardiologist
Who did a stress test

Bit stressed at this point
And nitroglycerin was worse
Scary reaction

More nitroglycerin
Attentive nurses this time
An experiment

Early ultrasound
Then radioactive scan
Will I glow in the dark?

No diagnosis
More scans, another doctor?
Maybe surgery?

Life is uncertain
Medical merry-go-round
What will happen next?

Who knows what they’ll do?
It’s called “art of medicine”
For a good reason

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