Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Women’s Retreat

The salsa was made
Chips and chocolate were bagged
My duffle was packed

My ride soon arrived
We threw my stuff in the back
The car was quite full

Four of us chatted
For a whole hour and a half
As we headed north

We left smoke at home
Only to find the same here
Can’t escape the fires

Others soon arrived
Beds were chosen, gear was stored
The house filled with noise

The soup was quite good
And soon began our program
On “The Masks We Wear”

We shared of ourselves
Some of us had come for years
While others were new

I’m always amazed
At the depth of our sharing
There’s laughter and tears

Bagels, yogurt, fruit
Started us off the next day
Plus coffee of course

The morning program
Concluded with mask-making
Paint, fabric, feathers

Sandwiches for lunch
At free time the group split up
For hike, drives, shopping

The smoke was so bad
That we limited hiking
To reservoir road

We walked and we talked
It was good to stretch our legs
And look at the lake

While on the way back
Ice cream cones were calling us
A delicious break

Good dinner was served
And our day’s program resumed
Each one shared her mask

Morning came too soon
We had breakfast and coffee
Then time to pack up

We cleaned and picked up
In worship we prayed and sang
Car by car we left

Such a great weekend
Fifteen women in retreat
I will come next year


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