Friday, November 02, 2012

One Year of Unemployment

It has been one year since I lost my job—one whole year of unemployment.  I wonder if I shall ever be employed again.  It’s not that I’m bored—I can always find plenty to do.  Of course, money is an issue.  There is never enough of it.  Unemployment insurance ran out long ago.  We don’t live extravagantly and paying bills can be tough.  Our debt is higher than we ever imagined.

There is another aspect to being unemployed.  In this country you are what you do.  A person’s identity revolves around the job.  This has always been an issue for me, but being unemployed is the worst, I think.  It’s hard on the ego.  After a year of applying for jobs, it seems that nobody wants me.  What don’t they like?  I know my age is working against me—employers want younger people.  I think some employers are put off by my church experience; they have misconceptions about what it’s like to work for a church.  When I do get an interview, I do okay.  However, I am not a bubbly person but more quiet.  This is a negative for many employers.  The longer I am unemployed, the harder it is to get a job.  Employers prefer employed people.

I haven’t given up—I am still job hunting.  However, I am beginning to ignore jobs from employers who haven’t given me an interview in the past, even though I’m well qualified.  I am actually getting pickier.  Do I REALLY want this job?  I know I am a smart, competent woman.  I am a dedicated, hard worker.  I have received glowing reviews and compliments from former employers, coworkers, and others.  If only somebody would give me a chance. . .

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