Monday, December 17, 2012

On Turning 60

How did it happen?
I really don’t feel that old
But the day arrived

I woke with the sun
With my normal aches and pains
Stumbled out of bed

Looked in the mirror
Peered at myself carefully
Do I look sixty?

It’s hard to deny
That I am now a senior
With all the good and bad

I’ll go out Tuesdays
To claim my senior discounts
And admit my age

The bad comes as well
Our nation prefers its youth
Not valuing us

To be unemployed
At age sixty is quite hard:

Wisdom comes with age
I have learned much through my years
Life is our teacher

Adventures still wait
For those open to new things
Seniors included

So I’ll take the hand
Of my age seventy husband
And see what life brings

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