Sunday, August 25, 2013

The River

I am sitting above a roaring river.  The morning sun shines brightly, reflecting off the swirling, white foam, reflecting the beauty of God’s world.  Watching the water pour over the glistening rocks and rush downstream gives me a feeling of hope.  Why?  Part of it is just an appreciation of the beauty; in spite of all the ugliness and horrors around us—just read the news—we have this incredible gift.  Perhaps the river can also be a metaphor for life or for our path in life.  As we float down our river we often hurry.  Sometimes we float smoothly over the rocks while other times we hit those rocks or get caught in between them.  But the river keeps flowing and eventually we are on our way again.  We may pass many wonderful sights along our journey but we rush right by.  At times the river slows and spreads out into quieter pools where we may pause a while.  Farther down we may be caught in an eddy which swirls us around, making us dizzy.  We may even get sucked down.  Our ride down the river may end sooner than others’.  Some may make it to the river’s end and some may not.  However, riding the river is an adventure.  I am full of hope at what I might see around each bend.  I bask in the sunshine and enjoy the quiet of the pools.  There is always beauty if I bother to look.  I realize I must open my eyes and enjoy the journey.

Written on 8/15/2013

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