Saturday, February 28, 2015

Waiting for Two Good Hands

It’s been 6 weeks since I had surgery on my hand and wrist for tenosynovitis (swollen tendon sheath).  Luckily it’s not my dominant hand but I have certainly gained an appreciation for having two good hands.

Pain and swelling aside, I have found this experience to be frustrating and tiring.  I had to wear a brace for 6 weeks.  Some of my clothes simply would not fit over it.  Buttoning, zipping, and pulling on clothes are challenging activities.  My husband had to fasten my bra for me.  (What if I lived alone?)  He got so good at it that he said he ought to hire himself out.  Um. . .no.

Getting in and out of the car, putting on the seat belt, and of course, driving, all take a lot more work.  Cooking is impossible but I could use the microwave.  I couldn’t open a jar.  Luckily my husband can cook; we have eaten out a lot more than usual.  We had a few days of nice weather, but I couldn’t ride my bike.  And no puttering in the yard.

The brace is now off, but the hand and wrist are swollen and stiff.  I am looking at weeks of physical therapy.  I am so thankful that this is only temporary and that I can look forward to once again having two good hands.

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