Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother’s Day Thoughts

Another Mother’s Day has come and gone.  This year I was surprised to see a number of anti-Mother’s Day articles and posts on the Internet.  There were mothers who stated that they did not want to celebrate the holiday.  Some people feel the day should not be observed at all.

I understand that Mother’s Day can be painful for some people.  It can be difficult for those who have lost their mothers recently.  It is hard on women who can’t have children or for those who gave up their children.  Some people had abusive mothers or were abandoned by their mothers.  It is important to be sensitive to these people.  Many churches have changed how they approach Mother’s Day to respect people who find the day to be difficult.

However, I don’t think it is necessary to throw it all out because of these concerns.  For me, Mother’s Day is a very personal observance.  Unfortunately, I no longer live near my mother or daughters so we celebrate from afar.  We get busy in our lives and it is helpful to have a special day set aside to say thanks to our mothers.  Of course, we should do this more than once a year, but I like having a special day.

My mother is now 85 years old and lives in another state.  It has been years since I was with her on Mother’s Day.  Every year I send her flowers.  She looks forward to them and my siblings all know that I do this.  I call a flower shop in her town to place the order—the flowers are always beautiful.  When I called her last night, she told me that they had arrived at just the right time.  She wasn't feeling well so decided to skip a family gathering the day before.  The flowers brightened her sad day.  I have stopped thinking about the increasing cost of flowers.  They make her happy and I know that I won’t have her forever.  My husband also sends flowers to his 91-year-old mother.

My daughters live across the country from me.  I receive cards and gifts, sometimes on time and sometimes late—all chosen with great care.  I am impressed by their choices; they know what I’ll like.  I am especially touched by their words, either on cards or on Facebook.  Being their mother has not always been easy but I would do it again in a heartbeat.  I am so proud of the women they have grown to be.

By next Mother’s Day my older daughter will be celebrating with her new son.  That first one is so special.  Motherhood is a hard job but it’s the best job I've ever had.

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