Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Lovely Fall Day

The weather has been unseasonably warm for this time of year.  However, as I sit on my deck and the sun sinks lower on the horizon, I feel the distinct chill of the fall night air.  My vegetable garden is still producing but it’s beginning to wind down.  The leaves on the trees are just beginning to change color.  The roses have put out one last burst of color before the frost arrives.  Squirrels scurry through the yard.

I have mixed feelings at this time of year.  The days are often beautiful with warm daytime temperatures.  The cooler days allow for more outside activities.  However, summer is my favorite season and I begin to mourn its passing.  I am not a fan of winter with its ice and cold.

Fall is my reminder to enjoy each day to its fullest, to soak in the warmth, and to look around at the beauty that surrounds me.  I take a deep breath, inhaling the aromas of the season.  What a lovely day.

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