Friday, November 27, 2015

Finding Blessings in Unusual Places

As I prepared our Thanksgiving meal yesterday, I thought about the blessings in my life.  I read what others said they are thankful for in their posts on Facebook.  Most were what you would expect.

I do have a lot to be thankful for this year.  I am delighted to have a beautiful new grandchild, my first one.  I am thankful for family, friends, my home, food, clothing, my church, and so many other things.  I have so much for which I am grateful.

However, it has occurred to me that I have other not so obvious blessings.  Recently, while standing on our Statehouse steps at a rally in support of refugees, I felt strangely thankful that I needed to be there.  I live in an extremely conservative state with many legislators who live in the past.  They have no concept of human rights, among other things.  It is extremely frustrating at times.  I look at my friends who live in more progressive states and realize that many of them have no idea what it is like to live in a state like Idaho.  They take many of their rights for granted.

I am thankful that I have been challenged to take a stand on important issues.  I have had to examine my faith and my views on social issues and make decisions about what I should do.  I have sat in legislative hearings, recruiting others to come and testify.  I have joined others on the Capitol steps for rallies, stood in silent prayer with other people of faith, and I have even been arrested.  I have become a stronger person as a result.  I have met incredible people, a diverse bunch of brave, passionate individuals.  While we’ve experienced a lot of disappointment, I feel blessed by my experiences and relationships.  I am thankful that our ignorant and backwards state government has compelled me to stand up for justice.  I am thankful for a God who nudges me in the right direction.  I know I will also learn perseverance because I will not give up.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

In Solidarity with the World

Yesterday, after the multiple terrorist attacks in Paris, I began to see French flags pop up all over Facebook, especially the ones that go over profile pictures.  Facebook was promoting them.  Somehow they rubbed me the wrong way.  I knew that my friends were expressing genuine sympathy for the people of Paris.  However, I couldn’t do it myself.  I did share a post from my church about prayers for Paris but I left it at that.

Gradually I began to understand what I was feeling.  Other people have stated it quite eloquently.  Paris was not the only place in the world to be touched by terrorist attacks yesterday.  Both Beirut and Baghdad experienced suicide bombings.  On top of that, Japan and Mexico were hit by earthquakes.  To focus on Paris did not feel right.  My heart aches for all of them.

The violence in our world seems to be increasing at an alarming rate.  Hate separates us, destroys us.  People are even blaming Muslim refugees for the terrorist attacks, a bizarre accusation since it is these extremists that the refugees are fleeing.

It is the whole world, the entire human race that needs prayer.  I have shared graphics on Facebook that reflect this.  Can we come together and support each other?  Not just the people who are like us but everybody?  I believe in a God who loves all.  Is it possible for God’s children to get along, to stop fighting, to stop killing each other?  My prayer is for peace and love for all people.  I stand in solidarity with my sisters and brothers everywhere.