Friday, November 27, 2015

Finding Blessings in Unusual Places

As I prepared our Thanksgiving meal yesterday, I thought about the blessings in my life.  I read what others said they are thankful for in their posts on Facebook.  Most were what you would expect.

I do have a lot to be thankful for this year.  I am delighted to have a beautiful new grandchild, my first one.  I am thankful for family, friends, my home, food, clothing, my church, and so many other things.  I have so much for which I am grateful.

However, it has occurred to me that I have other not so obvious blessings.  Recently, while standing on our Statehouse steps at a rally in support of refugees, I felt strangely thankful that I needed to be there.  I live in an extremely conservative state with many legislators who live in the past.  They have no concept of human rights, among other things.  It is extremely frustrating at times.  I look at my friends who live in more progressive states and realize that many of them have no idea what it is like to live in a state like Idaho.  They take many of their rights for granted.

I am thankful that I have been challenged to take a stand on important issues.  I have had to examine my faith and my views on social issues and make decisions about what I should do.  I have sat in legislative hearings, recruiting others to come and testify.  I have joined others on the Capitol steps for rallies, stood in silent prayer with other people of faith, and I have even been arrested.  I have become a stronger person as a result.  I have met incredible people, a diverse bunch of brave, passionate individuals.  While we’ve experienced a lot of disappointment, I feel blessed by my experiences and relationships.  I am thankful that our ignorant and backwards state government has compelled me to stand up for justice.  I am thankful for a God who nudges me in the right direction.  I know I will also learn perseverance because I will not give up.

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