Tuesday, March 01, 2016

It’s Simple

Everywhere I turn I see divisiveness in this country—newsletters, radio, TV, the Internet, Facebook, and more.  It can even be seen in churches.  The negativity, vitriol, and outright hate wear me down.  I am beginning to lose hope for our country.  People are feeling hopeless and looking for change.  They are angry.  Demagogues take advantage of this and fan the flames of hate.  It is all so ugly.  We become suspicious of those who are different from us; they are seen as a threat.  Build a wall!  Ban Muslims! Religious freedom (to discriminate)!

What would Jesus do?  I pull out my Bible.  Love one another.  That seems so simple.  Why is it so hard for us?  We live in a complex world.  God is a mystery, but the one thing I know about God, what I’ve been told since I was a child—God is love.  God loves all of us and we are called to love each other.  Love.  It’s simple.  Really.  Just open your heart.

Written on 2/23/2016


Margaret Loehr said...

Well said, Debbie. Jesus also said "Love your enemies." That, of course, is the real challenge. "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?"

IdahoEmptyNester said...

Exactly. Jesus said to love our neighbors. Who? Everybody. Not easy but certainly worth the challenge.