Saturday, November 19, 2016


Two weeks ago today I returned home from the hospital after undergoing major surgery.  I was glad to be able to sleep in my own bed.  It’s not that I didn’t like the hospital bed with all of its different positions but it was somewhat difficult to figure out how to do it while heavily drugged.  A side sleeper, I couldn’t quite figure out how to move with an IV and several other things attached to me.

Our recliner has become my spot, perfect for reading, napping, and watching a little TV.  Our black cat, Juno, is happy about this.  Wherever she is, within a few minutes of the time I sit down she is in my lap.  Of course, this makes getting out of the chair difficult.

My doctor told me that recovery time would be 6 weeks so I would have to take it easy.  No driving for 2 weeks.  No lifting, dancing, or traveling for 6 weeks.  No exercise except walking.  She said that I could go out if I feel up to it but I would need to sit.  Apparently there are a lot of people who believe that I am incapable of sitting still for long.  Friends on my Facebook page said “Take it easy!” “Don’t overdo it” and “Behave!”  My pastor commented during Bible study that perhaps somebody should tie me to my bed.  For her benefit I posted a photo of myself in a chair with a chain wrapped around me.  Before I went out the first time I posted a photo with the chain on the floor.

I have been lucky and have not had much pain, even in the hospital.  However, I cannot believe how tired I am.  I don’t think I have ever been this tired in my life.  I wake up tired in the morning and after naps.  Simple acts like getting dressed wear me out.  I have ventured out about half a dozen times for events, a meeting, a church service and meal, errands, and my post-op appointment. Although I spent most of my time sitting when I went out, I have needed a nap when returning home.  Today my husband and I went to a large craft store for what was supposed to be a quick trip.  There was a big sale and the store was crowded.  I could not find the items I wanted.  Multiple clerks tried to help me.  As I stood in an aisle waiting, I looked around desperately for a chair—or anything I could sit on.  Nothing.  OMG, I need to sit down!  Finally a third salesclerk showed up and led me to my items.  I handed them to my husband and while he stood in line, I walked out to the car so I could sit.  Relief.  When I got home I headed to the recliner.  The other cat, Sadie, joined me, and then later Juno claimed her spot.

My husband did not have to cook for the first week I was home because friends from our church brought over food.  I have received care packages from a sister and my parents plus lots of cards and greetings on Facebook.  My husband has taken good care of me.  I ordered a stack of books from Amazon which should keep me entertained for some time.  I made sure that there were humorous books in this stack.  Today I began reading Nora Ephron’s I Feel Bad About My Neck.  After that first chapter, I got out of my recliner and went to look at my neck in the bathroom mirror.

I had thought that I would be able to catch up and do things at home that I haven’t had time to do.  I simply have not had the energy yet.  I am trying to be patient.  I am aware that I am so much better off than some other people.  In another month I’ll be almost as good as new.  I will simply have to work at getting back in shape and losing weight.  We have good medical insurance that has paid the majority of my doctor and hospital bills.  Just after my 6-week post op appointment, we will be flying across the country to join our family for Christmas.  I can’t wait to see our 1-year-old grandson and watch his reaction to our Christmas celebration.  By the beginning of 2017, I should be ready to deal with whatever the new year has to bring.

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