Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Beginning of an Adventure

This morning my husband and I are embarking on what our friends call “an adventure of a lifetime.  I think it will be.  I am so excited.  We are going to Gorongosa National Park with a group from our local zoo.  Everything is packed and our taxi will arrive soon.  There will be multiple safaris and we will learn a lot about the efforts to build this park back up after a devastating civil war.  The animals were nearly wiped out but with human help they are returning.  However, recovery is not possible without involving the people who live next to the park.  Their needs must be met too.  The park needs their support to survive.  I am reminded of this as I look at our luggage.  We are taking an extra bag containing “The Shoe That Grows” for the children living near the park.  Others from our group are taking shoes too.  These wonderful shoes are designed to expand as the childrens’ feet grow.  I look forward to meeting both the animals and people of Mozambique.  Time to go!!

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