Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Looking Forward

On this first day of 2020, the first day of a new decade, I look forward with hope in my heart.  Yes, there are many reasons to be discouraged but the human race is resilient, full of creativity, and capable of great love.

What do I hope for this year and beyond?

Ø  Let’s take climate change seriously and take immediate steps to turn this impending disaster around.  This must be a world-wide effort.
Ø  There are so many refugees seeking a safe haven and a better life, not only at our borders, but around the world.  We need compassionate solutions, treating these people as fellow human beings.
Ø  I hope that we can come together as a country.  I want truth and honesty to be valued again.  Let our Constitution be upheld, preserving our republic.  I want new leadership.  I hope that we can learn to respect and be kind to those who are different from us. 
Ø  I hope that my church denomination, the United Methodist Church, will become inclusive, treating all people equally.  If this is not possible, I hope for an amicable split.
Ø  My state’s legislature convenes next week.  I hope for more kindness and understanding from our legislators.  I hope that they will finally “Add the Words” (sexual orientation and gender identity to our human rights act).  I want them to allow women to control their own reproductive systems.  I hope for more money for education.  Let’s get rid of the “faith healing” law that allows parents to ignore medical treatment for children with preventable diseases.  
Ø  Personally, I hope for a lovely wedding for my younger daughter and her fiancé and for a wonderful future together.  I hope for a healthy new grandchild.  I wish for stability and good days for my elderly parents.  For my own life I hope for balance and wisdom.

Finally, I hope that more people will understand that we are all connected and that we must learn to live in harmony with each other and all creation.  I hold hope that love will eventually prevail.

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