Saturday, May 30, 2020

In Limbo

It’s been a little over one month since I wrote about the pandemic.  Not much has changed. . . except that I can now order toilet paper online.  My husband and I are still mostly at home.

The country is starting to open back up although the number of new cases of coronavirus continues to increase and the death toll in the United States has passed 100,000.  In Idaho, one week ago, there were 98 new cases in just one day, a big jump.  However, that was apparently mostly in one area.  Idaho has just entered Stage 3 reopening which means nearly everything is allowed to reopen.  Churches were allowed to open in Stage 1 but it appears that not many have done so.  My church is doing prerecorded services online, as have many others.  Our bishop said that we cannot open until at least June 15.  It will probably be later than that. 

Although masks and social distancing are still recommended, many people are ignoring that and acting as if the pandemic is over.  Others, like us, are avoiding people and ordering online.  There are Zoom meetings for everything but I miss seeing people in person.  On the other hand, I am enjoying staying at home.  We have an acre so there is plenty to do.  My yard should look fantastic by the end of the season.  We have had some beautiful weather so simply sitting on the deck has been delightful.

Perhaps the most difficult thing about living in these times is that we can’t really plan ahead.  It may be another year before we have a vaccine.  This virus will be with us for a while so we will have to learn to live with it.  We will need to continue social distancing and large gatherings will be difficult.  This means that people are delaying decisions on all kinds of things.  We are living in limbo.

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