Saturday, January 23, 2021

A New Beginning

Today is a new beginning

The first day of a new year

A divisive, hate-filled President has left

In his place stands someone we can trust

A compassionate, caring man with experience

At his side as Vice-President is a woman

A first in this country, a woman VP

Who is also the first black and Asian VP

I started to cry when she took the oath

As did so many other women

Little girls declared “she looks like me”

Lady Gaga and J.Lo sang, Garth Brooks too

But it was a young black woman

Who stole the show with her poem

COVID and security made for a small crowd

But three ex-presidents were present 

I sat in my nightclothes for hours

Unable to move from the spectacle

Normalcy is returning to our country

Perhaps decency and respect will too

We demonstrated a peaceful transition of power

I feel like I can breathe again, sleep again

There is so much work to do

How do we heal the wounds?

Our new President speaks of unity

Is that realistic or a dream?

I want to be proud of my country again

I want a country of equal opportunity

A country that is once again respected

By people all over the world

A country where all religions are honored

A country where children are safe in school

Where people love their neighbors as themselves


Today I pray for President Joseph R. Biden

And Vice President Kamala Harris

I pray for their wisdom, courage, and success

For their success is our success

God bless America


Written on 1/20/21

Written on 1/20/21

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