Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mother of the Bride

About a week and a half ago I attended a "Bridal Extravaganza". Since the bride was on the other side of the country, I went with her sister, the maid of honor. We took our duties seriously, picking up brochures and business cards and sampling entrees and cake. We breezed by the wedding dress displays since we already have one but we did watch the fashion show. We spent several hours there and couldn't eat another bite as we waddled out. I think it was the cake that did it - lots of sugar. We even left with samples of cake in our bag, enough for the father of the bride, too!

Actually, I think we're doing well. Not only do we have the dress, we have a seamstress for the bridesmaid dresses and the pattern and fabric have been chosen. I still need to go and purchase the material and get it to the seamstress. We just signed the contract and made a deposit for the reception and I have spoken to the manager of a band who is making up a contract. The bride and groom have made a decision on the caterer although I still have to call them. We have a photographer lined up. The guest list is coming along and the happy couple is working on "save the date" postcards. Just may need to go sample some more cake, though - before I start back on my diet!

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