Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Dawn of Hope

I really couldn't let today go by without comment. The eyes of the entire world were on Washington D.C today. The number of people around the Capitol mall was incredible. I had to work today so all I could do was attempt to follow the inauguration via the internet feed on my computer. The daughter of a friend was there in the crowd so I was able to look at her photos on Facebook. What a historic event! People of multiple races, ages, and backgrounds were there. So much hope is being placed on one man. No mortal could possibly live up to the expectations. Our country has overwhelming problems; the economy seems to be collapsing. I too hope that Barack Obama can begin to turn things around. I hope people give him a chance. Although lacking in experience, he's a brilliant man with the power to inspire. I hope he's up to this tremendous challenge. I will be praying for him and our country. I will dare to hope.

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