Saturday, February 04, 2012

Does God Have the Right Job for Me?

After suffering through two job losses this past year, friends and family have tried to comfort and encourage me by saying that God has just the right job for me. And when I didn’t get the job I wanted, it was that God has something else in mind. Of course there’s the often quoted phrase, “when God closes one door, He opens another.” I did respond that I didn’t want to blame God for my job loss. I would love to believe that God has that perfect job for me, and at the right time God will simply hand it to me. However, I don’t really think that’s how God operates. Oh, it would be SO much easier if God had a plan for me, if God would simply tap me on the shoulder and say, “Do this!” It would be much simpler. But life doesn’t seem to work that way—it is more complex than that. God gave us brains and free will. I think we were intended to exercise them. It seems that God works in much more subtle ways, perhaps with gentle nudges. It is up to us to listen and to make choices for ourselves.

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