Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am lost
Thinking in circles
Stuck in a pattern
Unable to get out
Two jobs lost
Bored with the first
and unhappy with the second
and seeking more of the same
I am lost
How do I think outside the box?
Get off my cow path?
Leave behind what I know
Take a chance at change
I am afraid
I am lost
If I close my eyes
Imagine what can be
What to be when I grow up
I am long grown up
Never having answered the question
Perhaps I’ve always been lost
Where is creativity?
Where is my courage?
The value of my college degree?
I am smart but so what?
I am lost
What do I want?
To be useful
To be creative
To be valued and respected
To be excited to get up each day
To be paid what I’m worth
To use my brain and be challenged
To do something that matters in this world
To spread love and not hate
That’s it—that’s all
What do I want?
To be able to say
I am no longer lost

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