Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Visit to the Greenhouse

Today was the day.  My garden was rototilled just yesterday and the soft brown soil beckons me.  With an unstructured day ahead of me, one of the advantages of being unemployed, today was the day to visit the local greenhouse.

When I arrived I was surprised to see so many cars midafternoon on a weekday.  I secured a double-decker cart and followed the path, well known to me now, to the vegetable greenhouse.  There are so many varieties to choose from, but I have my favorites.  However, I always like to try something new—this year it is a chocolate bell pepper.  Once I found what I needed in that greenhouse, and picked up seed packets, I headed to the annual flowers.

Oh the flowers!  Every color imaginable.  I was choosing flowers for the pots on my patio and deck.  Mostly I go for the bright reds, yellows and oranges, but since I love blue and purple, some of those somehow jumped into my cart, too.  I picked up a six-pack of Gazania which I love because of the variegated leaves and the colors of the daisy-like flowers.  The only problem is that the squirrels like them, also—they think it is squirrel salad.  I must find a way to outwit them this year.  I was done shopping when I couldn’t fit another plant onto my cart.

I do know that this will not be my last trip to the greenhouse this season.  Next step—start digging.!

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