Sunday, July 06, 2014


Change is inevitable but that doesn’t mean we do it easily.  Today a new pastor stood before us in our sanctuary.  A fellow church member posted that she was very emotional this morning but she enjoyed the service.  Our former pastor was well-loved and had her own unique way of conducting worship.  Already there are changes in the service.  I think this new pastor made a favorable impression on the congregation.  However we will have to take time to get to know each other during this transition.  Change is not easy.

When things are not going well, I think we are much more open to change.  It may seem that anything is better than the status quo.  However, when life is going smoothly, we can become complacent.  We may be reluctant to take on new challenges.

I believe that change is necessary for growth.  We are forced to adapt to the new circumstances.  There are new opportunities for learning and new challenges.  Whenever I take on something new, I am a bit nervous at first but I am also excited.  I can’t wait to see what develops.  I find myself growing as a person.

Although we really didn't want our former pastor to leave and I think we could have learned much more from her, I see opportunities for our congregation with this change.  Our new pastor comes to us with lots of experience and a different perspective.  We will learn new things from her and she may cause us to grow in new and unexpected directions.  We just have to open our hearts and minds and embrace this change.  Who knows where we will go next?

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