Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Invasion of the Flies

 . . . buzz. . . buzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . The loud buzzing of the flies brings memories of summer—hot, sticky days, sprawled out in a chair swatting at flies.  However, this is only April and the hot weather has not yet arrived.  We are just beginning to venture outside on lovely, warm spring days.

The flies have moved inside to torture us, I think.  There were just a few at first and we thought it unusual to see them so early in the year.  Our young cats sat and stared at the ceiling.  Eventually, I had to go to see what they were looking at.  When the flies moved the cats would follow, sometimes jumping—and missing.  The flies have provided great entertainment for them.  However, their hunting instincts appear to be lacking.  One day I spotted our black cat up on a window sill next to a fly.  Buzzzzzz.  Get it!!  She leaned over. . . and sniffed it.  Arghh!  To her credit, I did see her catch one recently.  The other cat quickly ran over to investigate.  They sniffed it, batted at it, and apparently lost it.

As the number of flies in the house has increased, the cats' interest has seemed to decrease.  Old news, I guess.  The other day I was on a mission—I got out the fly swatter and killed ten flies on our dining room window.  Ten more flies quickly replaced them!  Arghh.  I sat at the computer and tried to concentrate.  Buzzz. . .buzzzz. . . buzzzzzzzzz.  Ack!  I jumped up and killed a few more.

We have no idea where they are coming from.  The other morning I got up and it was quiet.  No flies were in sight.  Did we get them all?  No.  Soon they began to reappear, one by one—flying around the kitchen, on the dining room window, in our bedroom.  Buzz. . . buzzzzzzzz. .. buzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  The day warmed up and we opened the doors.  Soon they were buzzing against the screen doors.  We opened them up and let the flies out.  We discovered that was an easy way to get rid of them.  It’s almost as if they knew we’d let them out. . .

I came home this afternoon and opened the blinds in the dining room.  A dozen flies appeared.  I killed them and sat down.  More flies appeared.  I left the room. 

Is this some diabolical plot to rob me of my sanity?  Buzzzzzzzzz.  Should I buy ear plugs?  Buzzzzzz.  Maybe a bug zapper.  Buzzz. . .buzzzz. . .buzzzzzap!  I am writing this outside.  I would like to point out that there are no flies out here.  Unfortunately the sun is preparing to set and I will have to go back inside.  The battle with the flies will continue. . . buzz. . . buzzzzz. . . buzzzzzzzzzz. . . SWAT!

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