Friday, July 03, 2015

Heat Wave

I left the comfort of my air-conditioned house to sit on our deck for a while.  The day is rapidly heating up and the temperature is approaching mid-90s and will supposedly hit 102.  This morning my husband and I took our dogs for a walk along the river.  Most of the path is shaded and there are opportunities for the dogs to stop and drink.  We returned home shortly after noon.  One dog sprawled out on the floor while the other lay across the AC vent. 

We have endured about a week of temperatures over 100 degrees; this is not common here.  The hottest day was on Sunday when it hit 110.  I had planned to shop that day.  After all, the car had AC and so does the mall.  I stepped outside and felt like I had hit a brick wall of heat.  It literally took my breath away.  I walked back inside and decided to stay home.  When it was ONLY 102 the next day, we felt so much cooler.

I think I could live on salads and ice cream right now.  The heat zaps my appetite and my energy.  I found myself nodding off at the computer last night.  I looked over and saw my husband asleep on the couch with one cat on top of him and the other asleep nearby.  The dogs were stretched out on the floor.

Well, before I fall asleep, I think I’ll go back inside where it’s cooler and pour myself a glass of iced tea.  I’m looking forward to cooler days but I may need to drive to the mountains for that.

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