Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Lament

Yesterday was Easter.
But where was the resurrection?
I couldn’t find the joy.
The churches were all closed
While members isolate at home
Trying to avoid the virus among us.
Service were held online
But many churches struggle with it.
I found some lovely Easter music
But it was hard to feel connected.
Outside the sun was shining
But a cold wind was blowing.
The news is all coronavirus
And it gets bleaker every day.

Easter and spring are a time of rebirth.
The flowers are beginning to bloom.
But where is the hope?
I realize that we have to wait.
We are not good at waiting.
I am not good at waiting.
I struggle to keep emotions in check
But I cannot do it.
I realize that this is okay.
We will not be the same after this.
What am I learning?
How can I help?
God is with us now
And we will find joy again.

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