Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Change of Seasons

I felt it the other day.  Summer is coming to an end.  There’s a nip in the air that appears just before the sun sets.  The days are getting shorter. 

Right now I am sitting on my deck enjoying the sunshine and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.  A cold front has arrived bringing cooler temperatures and clearer skies.  This summer, in the middle of a pandemic, my yard has been my refuge.  Friends have referred to it as my oasis.  Our acre is a lot of work but it helps me keep my sanity while isolating at home.  It is peaceful.  The greenery, the multitude of colors, the birds, the critters bring joy to my heart.

What will I do when winter is here and this is all just a memory?  How will I handle being stuck inside?  I worry about this.  I will have to find ways to bring the color and sounds inside.  That will be my challenge.

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