Monday, August 31, 2020

Privilege and Vigilante Behavior

One week ago today the Idaho Legislature convened a Special Session called by the Governor.  Unfortunately, it did not begin well.  In fact, it went so poorly that Idaho once again made national news.  An unruly crowd forced their way into the House gallery.  In the process a glass window was shattered.  They filled the gallery which had been marked for social distancing.  They were not wearing masks and some were carrying guns.  The speaker of the House acquiesced and allowed them to stay if they were quiet.

This white right wing group of protesters was given special privilege.  No other group would be allowed to do this.  There was a public uproar.  What if a bunch of Black Lives Matters protesters had behaved this way?  There is no doubt that they would have been arrested.

In fact, I was part of a group of peaceful people who protested for Add the Words (equality for LGBTQ people) 5-6 years ago.  We stood silently and caused no damage yet we were arrested.  Many people pointed out this double standard.  On Thursday I accompanied a group of clergy who delivered 17 letters from Interfaith clergy to the Governor’s Office.  The letters expressed concern about this incident.

The next day these people returned.  They were loud, rude, and refused to socially distance as required.  Some were armed.  One of the legislators left because she felt unsafe.  Later, several people were finally arrested when they refused to cooperate.

This alarming behavior and our leaders’ poor response make members of the legislature and the public unsafe in the people’s house.  Unfortunately, this is just one example of the entitlement of the extreme right in this state and around the country.

We have a group of Black Lives Matters protesters who have been peacefully assembling regularly.  Their first big event in June was huge, the largest ever at our Capitol building.  About 5,000 people gathered outside, listening to speakers and music.  Nearly everyone wore a mask and the event was peaceful.  There were people driving around on motorcycles and in trucks carrying flags and Trump signs.  They honked and yelled profanities but the crowd ignored them.

Since that time a group of armed white people carrying American flags have shown up when they hear the BLM group is planning a protest.  They claim they are there to protect property and police (who don’t need their help) but instead they harass and intimidate people.  One time an 18-year-old was walking around with an automatic weapon, his finger on the trigger.  The gun went off but luckily nobody was injured.

Recently we read in the paper about the armed right wing militias roaming the streets in northern Idaho.  They claim to be there to protect from Antifa (which isn’t there) and are welcomed by local officials.  Instead they harass the young protesters.

These scenes are repeated in other parts of our country.  The other day a 17-year-old shot and killed two protesters while he was there to “protect.”  Angry white extremists with guns are being given a pass to threaten and intimidate people they don’t like.

This is alarming.  What has become of our country?  We have an authoritarian president who incites violence, encouraging these vigilantes.  Local conservative officials give them privileges that the rest of us do not have.  We need to take back our country from extremists and work for equality for all.  Our choice in November is clear—democracy or authoritarianism.  Vote!

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