Friday, October 20, 2006

Camping Out

About a week ago we moved out of our bedroom into the girls' bedrooms after the ceiling was removed in our bathroom. Actually, I moved out one day earlier than Bob. After spending one night with cold air blowing down on him from the attic (the bathroom is open to the bedroom), he decided that moving out was a good idea. The sheetrock had to be replaced due to water damage which resulted in mold. On the suggestion of our contractor, I also moved out all of my bathroom drawers and lined them up in the bedroom that I'm currently using. Of course, there is no room to put anything of ours in the girls' bathroom because all drawers and cabinets are overflowing. I'm not sure why. I have to wander into my bedroom (brrr), into the other one where my drawers are located and back into the girls' bathroom to get ready to go to work in the morning. I feel like I'm camping out!

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