This weekend we finally began to truly feel like empty nesters. On Friday night we decided to attend a program at BSU that featured Holocaust survivor Gerda Weissmann Klein as guest speaker. The evening began with the film "One Survivor Remembers" which tells Gerda Klein's story but unfortunately the film ended prematurely with technical difficulties. However, Gerda Klein is an engaging, touching speaker. She truly exemplifies the strength of the human spirit. The program was part of Human Rights Month. On our way home we stopped at TCBY. Yum.
Yesterday we slept in, puttered around the house, etc. until mid-afternoon then went downtown to Julia Davis Park for "Museum Comes to Life". This is an annual event but we hadn't been there for years. With our busy lives with teenagers we had mostly dropped going to these kind of events. We saw lots of people in period costumes (early Idaho) demonstrating things such as spinning, weaving, papermaking, printing, wheel construction, and firing rifles and cannons. Some of the volunteers had brought their personal collections of antiques items such as dental & medical, infantry, calvary, and Indian. We wandered through old cabins and homes which had been moved to the sight (and are only open to the public on rare occassions), the museum interior, and the lawn around the front of the building. Of course, we couldn't pass up a bag of kettle corn then on the way out we picked up BBQ beef sandwiches for our dinner.
Today was Bob's birthday. We attended church as usual then I asked him what he wanted to do. We toyed with the idea of going somewhere but I ended up baking him a cherry cake and we went out to dinner. With just two of us we can be a lot more spontaneous. I had kind of forgotten...
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