Sunday, March 04, 2012

Bipolar Weather

March most definitely came in like a lion this year.  On Thursday, March 1, it snowed all morning.  Not what you want to see at the beginning of March.  By the afternoon it was sunny.  This Sunday morning when we woke up it was sunny, but it was a chilly 30 degrees.  However, by afternoon the thermometer hit 63 degrees.  People were out bicycling; we took our dogs for a pleasant walk along the river.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be even warmer, a balmy 65 degrees.  Just so we don’t get too used to spring weather, Mother Nature decided to mix things up—weather forecasters are predicting snow on Tuesday.  Again.  This is so confusing.  I don’t know what to wear when I get up in the morning.  Do I take a variety of clothes with me if I go somewhere?  Like a T-shirt and snow boots?  Definitely bipolar weather.  How many more weeks until spring?

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