Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Happened to Dreaming?

A couple of days ago I attended a leadership conference where the speaker suggested that people have stopped dreaming.  That caused me to think.  What happened to dreaming?  When was the last time I dreamed about my future?  The sad thing is that I can’t remember.  Oh, like most little girls of my generation, I dreamed of finding my Prince Charming, getting married, and having a family.  I also dreamed of going off to college and having a career.  I had some interesting jobs after college, but it wasn’t easy.  However, there were possibilities.  That all ended when we moved to Idaho.  I went from career options to jobs—or no job.  Other dreams?  I seem to have forgotten those along the way, too.  I realize that I have lived in the present for a long time.  I look at our young adults, my two daughters included.  In these current economic times, do they still dream?  So many people simply concentrate on getting by, day by day.  Dreaming is a luxury.  Somehow I want to be like a child and be able to dream again.

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