Thursday, July 05, 2012

Celebrating Independence Day

A few days early
Firecrackers explode nearby
Dogs next to my feet

Sirens can be heard
Wild fires erupt in dry grass
Set off by fireworks

Independence Day
Known as the Fourth of July
What’s it really mean?

Freedom from King George
Life, Liberty, Happiness
A brand new country

Our democracy
A shining beacon to all
And hope for the world

In two thousand twelve
Is the American dream
And hope still alive?

Congress is broken
Political extremists
Will not compromise

Civility gone
Politics trump the people
Greed and deep pockets

Corporate money
With Citizens United
Who runs the country?

Vital programs cut
To save one percent from tax
And the people lose

People in the park
Gather together in joy
Fourth of July fun

Fireworks burst in sky
Eliciting oohs and ahs
Beautiful to see

Do we see the truth?
The threat to our democracy?
Where’s the people’s will?

We need vigilance
To preserve our democracy
Our United States

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