Friday, July 13, 2012

One Day at a Time

Recuperation from surgery
Certainly takes patience
Two days post-surgery
Pushed myself to an interview
Found a not-too-tight dress
Bare feet in brown pumps
Husband as chauffeur
Walked in, shook hands, smiled
No pain meds that day
So I think I was coherent
Plus a few points for effort?
Perhaps a second interview?
Went home, laid down
With adrenalin still pumping
Attended Bible study
Impressing all with my toughness
But not so tough the next day
So tired, so tired, sleep
Read a little then slept
This following day the same
So tired, so tired, sleep
Can’t seem to do much else
Two job rejections via e-mail
Waiting to hear—second interview?
No energy for the job hunt
Just waiting and resting
Patience is running thin
One day at a time. . .

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