Monday, November 03, 2014

Sedona Ramblings

Red rock formations line the horizon
Carved long ago by wind and water
Their names changing over time
Sacred places for ancient people
The air grows still for a moment
Did someone sit here a thousand years ago?
Was she in awe like me?
A woman whose life was tied to the earth
So different from me sitting here
But perhaps more like me than I know
Someone who had a family to feed
Who had people she loved
Did she feel a presence sitting here?
A spirit that moves through all
Connecting earth and all living things
Did she feel it too?
There is a strong link to ancient times
I feel it watching sun on red rocks
A bond with those who walked here before
Perhaps some part of them lingers still
Watching over this sacred piece of earth
That connects past and present
Bringing us closer to God

Written on 10/28/2014

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