Wednesday, May 18, 2016

United Methodist Church General Conference, Day 8

We were tired this morning so Sarah and I didn’t arrive at the Convention Center until after 10 a.m.  We had been asked to sit as witnesses today and to try to sit with other LYNC volunteers.  As we walked into the plenary session, we heard Bishop Ough, president of the Council of Bishops, announce that they are not in agreement so there will be no split.  So once again our bishops have failed to lead us.  We went into prayer.  The mood in the room was somber.

We sat and tried to follow legislation.  The process is painfully slow; there were so many questions and challenges to parliamentary procedure.  My district superintendent, who was sitting near me, said they may not finish all of their business by the end of the conference.  If they don’t, that’s it; it’s not taken up later.

After a lunch break, we returned to the plenary session just after 2:00 p.m.  We found LYNC volunteers singing around the edge of the hall so we joined them.  Earlier Bishop Ough had read scripture about binding us together with chains.  Therefore, we sang “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” over and over: some people had their wrists bound.  We finally began slowly walking in a line and along the back.  Business continued on the floor.  We heard a delegate make a motion from the floor to ask the bishops to deliberate and return with a nonbinding proposal for our direction forward.  Still singing we walked out the opposite door and formed a circle.  There may have been as many as 200 people.  We continued singing a bit longer.  Pastor Duane and Pastor Barbara said hello and joined us.  This action felt powerful and peaceful.

We returned to the plenary session and listened to more legislation with multiple amendments and questions.  It moved very slowly.  Sarah left at the break.  I returned briefly but left when I got a text from a friend I was meeting for dinner.  I enjoyed a delightful dinner and conversation; it was a good break from church politics (although we did discuss it).

I returned to the Jupiter for a LYNC meeting.  There was lots of singing and planning.  We learned that the bishops did go into a meeting for further discussion.  We will all be present to see what tomorrow brings.  My favorite quote from the evening: “Justice is what love looks like in public.”

Written on 5/17/2016

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